End of Term

We have now reached the end of our second half term. We would like to thank all of our pupils, parents and carers for your continued efforts to help reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Over the Christmas period, the government have eased restrictions to allow people to mix with a slightly wider circle of family and friends. People will be able to travel to “bubble” with 2 other households.  

Please remember to ensure that if you display symptoms of Covid-19 (a new, continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of taste or smell), that you get a test at your local testing facility, and follow the self-isolation guidelines.  

In order to keep the risk to our pupils, their families, and our staff at a minimum, we will be closed to pupils on the 4th and 5th January. These days will be staff inset days and pupil assessment days, where staff will prepare for the new term. Pupils will be contacted by their class teacher.  If you, or a member of your household, is displaying symptoms of Covid-19 at the start of the new term, follow the government guidelines and inform your class teacher.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, from all at TAS.