Blackpool and the Fylde College Update

College Interviews

Applicants who had not yet had their interview before lockdown, or who have just recently submitted applications, are being contacted by telephone from curriculum tutors for their college interview and IAG.

New Students

You should have received some ‘keep busy’ work from Lily which you should share with your students. We are hoping to get this onto a section on the website too.

We anticipate that the vast majority of new students for September will have at least one session of their induction onsite during August and September. We will contact applicants directly about this as we would normally and update you nearer to the time to share with your students and parents.

We are also planning some virtual ‘New Applicant Day’ events too. More information to follow.


Please keep referring yourself, your colleagues and your students to our FAQs, but do get in touch with us as always if you have any additional queries or concerns.

A reminder, tomorrow is our first Virtual open event for school leavers, occurring every Weds for the forseeable into August. Please share this link and attached promotional flyers.

The School Liaison team are still working remotely. Visitors are currently still not permitted on site but an update is being released to us on visitors on 26th May.