Covid19 Update


Following the government announcement on Sunday the 10th May 2020, we want to advise you of what our plans look like at this moment for pupils returning to a TAS campus. 

We are still taking the safeguarding of both our staff and our pupils very seriously and we are continuing to educate every pupil daily, as well as carrying out home visits for safeguarding, free school meals, the delivery and collection of work, as well as inviting certain pupils into campus for exams and for those children of key workers.   

Since the start of Covid, we have had a ‘TAS Covid Planning Team’ and have met (remotely) as a team every Monday morning to discuss the plans for each campus and all of our vulnerable and critical children.  On Monday 11th May, following the announcement, we have decided to work to the following plans, providing there are no significant further announcements –  

**ALL planned/phased returns will be individually risk assessed by case, to ensure the safety of TAS staff and their families** 

  • Primary pupils aiming for a 2 day return – 1st June 2020 
  • Year 11 pupils aiming for a 2 day return – 22nd June 2020 
  • Year 10 pupils aiming for a 2 day return – 29th June 2020 
  • Year 7,8,9 pupils aiming for a 1 day return – 6th July 2020 

All of our TAS  team have been been working hard on a personalised remote learning package for each and every pupil, to ensure that they will receive a minimum of  2 hours of education daily, 1:1 contact by phone, video or face to face where appropriate and plans in place  to ensure that our safeguarding protocols are still being followed.  This will continue and will still remain in place for those pupils whose parent do not wish them to return to school.  All TAS staff have already been issued with full PPE and full use of this and appropriate social distancing in school will become our norm. 

Our motto has been throughout this period, #educationinisolation  

Our motto will now become, #educationcanbealternative 

Our message is that education will continue for all TAS pupils, some will return to campus, some will remain at home, some are enjoying live lessons and on-line learning, others prefer work to be delivered, collected and marked. The Alternative School is up for this challenge, each child working towards achieving 100% of their personalised timetable and exams for years 10 & 11 still continuing.   

We would like to thank you for your continued support. 

Warm regards and stay safe. 

TAS Team